That's a question I have to ask myself with the opening of my exhibition on May 8th at Index Gallery in St Peters in Sydney so closely looming. For those of you that have been following my progress on this blog you will know that my last full solo show was five years ago and that what I am doing for this exhibition, I hope, has progressed a distance creatively and that my style has matured as well.I hope...Of course I am certainly not going to place myself in the position of Samantha Brick and announce loudly to the world that my work, like myself, are incomparable and likely to invoke envy in the hearts of the lesser talented and merely human photographers amongst us. On the contrary, I am absolutely beside myself with anxiety bought on by the need to actually try and make some money out of this exhibition and the fear that no one will buy my photographs.Yes my photographs are for sale. Thats the idea of having an exhibition really...And I do, like all the mere mortals out there, have to eat, pay bills and generally stay afloat. While it is unfortunate I didn't decide to be a lawyer or an accountant.... or marry one as my mother always wanted.... I am who I am and as much as it pains me my income is based around my vision of the world.... and thats all I have to contribute to my financial well being and prevent me from foraging in bins for my next feed!But is that enough to make a living out of photography and artistic pursuits in general? Damien Hirst obviously does and does it well beyond my wildest dreams.But what of my work? How will it be received? What are the photographs that I should include and how much should I try and sell them for?Australia has a very poor track record in supporting photojournalism... Everyone loves to see it but no-one... it appears... wants to buy it, unless its tied up with an arts theory or commercial gallery of sorts... I mean what happened to the days of "I know what I like" followed by a "ker-ching" sound?So here is what I would like you to do for me...Starting from tomorrow I am going to post some of the photographs that I am not sure should be included in the exhibition or not and the reason I think they should be included. I would love to hear whether you think I should get it printed and what price I should put on the image.In fact I want you to help me with the final edit for my exhibition!Stay tuned....