Its definitely unlikely to happen...ever... he has about a snowflakes chance in hell of ever being nominated...
Which is funny when you think about it, considering TIME Magazine's 'Person of the Year' front cover, which is a hotly contested and deliberated choice THAT does still have enough clout to make people pay attention, was nearly his. Well from the people's point of view anyway. He was voted the 'People's Choice' as the person most people wished to take out that coveted spot.
So it remains to be answered...why hasn't he even been mentioned in this years "Australian Of The Year" Awards.
Is it because the people that make that choice maybe, just maybe would be a teensy, weensy bit worried he might have some secret files on them?
Or is it because most people would prefer to see Rove McManus become Australian Of The Year?
So if you could be bothered buying into the whole awards thing, who would you nominate for Australian Of The Year and why?
The best reply will win their very own print of (S)'Truth' (my apologies to Shepard Fairey)...
Of course it will only be about an inch big but hey you can carry it around in your wallet if you like...