Its kind of funny that now there is so much imagery on the internet the only thing I could think of that would make people look at my first time post on this blog is a nude body, bet it worked though, I guess you looked... I remember driving down Macquarie Street in Sydney once with two of my great friends and seeing this naked guy walking along the street... It was funny and sad at the same time, it was funny because as we watched this guy negotiating the crowds with absolutely not a stitch on that no-one apparently was looking at him at all. No-one even seemed to notice. Was it because no-one wanted to openly acknowledge that there was this naked guy walking along a crowded city street because they were too shocked or scared or was it because that they were ashamed and embarrassed to be seen looking at a naked body? The sad part was that he obviously had had some sort of episode and had left the hospital up the street without his clothing. I worked that out when I noticed a couple of people in doctors smocks walking some way behind him in pursuit.
Either way you look at it, whether the guy had a mental illness or even if he was just pushing the boundaries it seems that he still had the capacity to be ignored. Even though at least a few hundred people saw him no-one reacted. That was amazing to me.
So while there are at least thirty billion blogs out there dealing with everything from family life to bomb building I still don't think that the plethora of information that is available to us via the internet has done anything to really draw attention to the issues that often get swept under the carpet because it becomes too hard for people to address them.
Well this is the point of 'Out of the Shadows' its a forum for me and anyone else who would like to join in to discuss the things that don't get talked about, things that are important to us personally or as a species. I hope it will become an enlightened and amusing space to hang out in and as I will be posting all my random photos that don't seem to ever have a home for themselves anymore at least a little bit stimulating as well.
I hope this new journey I am about to undertake will be rewarding for everybody concerned and that by reading and participating in it will may be able to find answers for some of the questions we need to ask...