There is a song by the Ferrets called 'Don't Fall In Love' and the first lyric is "city girls have got night lights in their eyes"...I guess the reference in the song means that life in the city is far more superficial and fast paced and yet while I find the city can be stimulating and creatively energising indeed I do find a kind of vacancy that is instilled in its fine denizens.Perhaps because there are so many people... searching... all searching for something that they believe will make them happy and it often manifests itself in people filling their lives with unnecessary diversions. Drugs, alcohol and gambling are fairly common but its the more subtle forms of delusion that bother me. There are so many people who seek comfort in pseudo psychological babble and creative communication that seems somehow pointless and merely a way of justifying their own existence.Kind of like real estate agents and banking employees, they are merely following procedures but in the process they give away their individual power for the betterment of corporate greed. Without thinking deeply or truly engaging in issues that effect others in negative ways many people simply buy into the structures that benefit the few, not the many...Hence the series of protests called 'Occupy the World' where the crux of the issue is to try and open a dialogue between the people who are 'occupying' spaces in an effort to create a place where people can come and share dialogue about how best to distribute resources and knowledge to create a better planet. Its a hands on activity and the protestors have great courage in attempting to stand their ground in the face of massive reaction from bureaucrats and police who would see them as a source of irritation.Whilst I admire the protestors and their selflessness in putting themselves at risk I also understand that some view their protestations as simply a vehicle for left wing righteousness. I disagree. Acting on changing the world is far more important than anything we can do... witness the Egyptian protests and the toppling of an unfair government.When groups of people work together to advance the entire community rather than their individual wants or needs then these actions display some of the finest traits of humanity. Looking after one another, being sensitive to the needs of the earth and treating each and every being with respect are the path of real spirituality...Perhaps what we are finally witnessing is the long awaited age of enlightenment afterall...The photo is of a protestor being arrested by the police at 'Occupy Sydney'...