So there it is... the title of my up coming exhibition.... "At The End Of The Day".It's a common Australian idiom and has come to mean a variety of things but it generally refers to an end point or conclusion. The reason I have given this body of work this particular title is because the photographs have all literally been shot at the end of the day...In fact here is the actual PR blurb for the show.."At the end of the day there is a moment of truth. A time that exists where the balance of day and night is palpable. An instant when the neural synapses fire a thought process that takes us back to the origins of our reptilian brains. Are we prey or predator, black or white, lost or found, mortal or spirit? Whose eyes do we look through? Are they our own or do we have an eternal interpreter who insists our viewpoints are based not on our experience of life and living but on something more… In the new technological age we are no-one if we are not connected and yet our experiences of the world differ so greatly as to be beyond comprehension. We exist in a paradox, for in each time and place that we dwell in real time there is a shadow that is recorded and transcribed into another parallel time frame. Have we discovered the real essence of time travel? Or has the human race become just a mere cipher of itself? An adjunct to the history of the world that is dominated by technology… In this body of work, I examine these questions by exploring the relationships between people and their environment at twilight. In unrelated incidences it seems that there is a universal tension and a burgeoning feeling of fear and uncertainty, a worrying thought of who we might be or become in the darkness of the night. Drawn from my experience as a photojournalist the photographic tableaux have been shot in random moments and locations across Australia."So now I need your least those of you with a healthy interest in art, photography and philosophy...I must decide out of the bazillions of photos that I have taken which will make the final twenty five to be printed for exhbition..I have already narrowed it down to about thirty possibilities but there are one or two that I am really not sure about and I would like your opinion... sort of an X Factor reality show for photography...So I would like you to vote on the specific images I post with an idea of their potential futures as 1 meter prints...You will get a chance to see which photographs make the final cut on the opening night of the exhibition of May 8th due to the marvels of modern technology...more of that later...Todays photograph is a bit of a rank outsider... I shot it at midnight in Kings Cross in Sydney and it is of some members of the notorious bikie gang the Nomads milling around Darlinghurst Road. Now given the situation was a little tense because the man on the left was making lewd gestures at me I certainly feel it fits in with one definition of my exhibition but I don't know whether its a strong enough shot to be printed for the show. (Though you can see some interesting details in the image when it is enlarged)So what do you think?Thumbs up or thumbs down?