There are few things in life that anger me more than people taking advantage of other people and their vulnerabilities.It is perhaps the most sickening thing in the world to hear of the cruelty that is perpetrated on animals and small children, by people who are in positions of power over them... or to people who are in weakened positions because of financial distress or mental illness. So many of the people who have terrible things done to them are often the most needy and easily targeted by conmen of all descriptions.While actual incidents of those kinds of rampant abuses make media headlines, there are much more subtle examples that are flagrantly advertised over the internet as cure alls to every condition, whether that be a medical problem or a problem of the heart or soul.We have clinics for this, dating sites for that and even the completely debunked NLP for a problem of the spirit. So much of what people are touting through the endless marketing platforms of the internet are clearly just a twenty first century version of 'Snake Oil'. And it often comes at an astonishingly high price. Much of the new age physco babble that is available to middle class people who wish to be 'enlightened and empowered' often pay hundreds of dollars for the privilege of sitting around listening to an 'inspirational' speaker and sipping a nice red of some sort.So it was with great joy that I read about Rhys Morgan a seventeen year old Welsh school boy who seems to have the intelligence and stoic sense of his ancestors. Such perspicacity is rare in one so young, but Rhys Morgan's battle to bring back sense to a nonsensical world is admirable.While 'antineoplaston' and 'tantric sex' therapies might be all well and good to convince people to part with their money to make them feel better, they have no real value in real life living situations and are often as fraudulent as the people who espouse their successes.I am all for trying new and interesting paths through life but I believe the greatest thing we can do is very simple. The ability to be kind to one another is the one great human grace and its simple and free and you don't need to do expensive courses or treatments to learn how to do it. If we are truly kind to one another and cherish one another selflessly then the only outcome can be a good one... and while the zeitgeist demands everyone to know 'The Secret' and to think 'positively' I believe they are self centered ideologies and rather grasping concepts with which to align yourself.So my advice is clear. And free. And very very simple. And at this time of year truly is my hearts desire. If everyone just did one kind thing for someone that felt small and vulnerable or powerless in some way then we would all feel better about ourselves in a real way.Imagine that...Todays pic is Allen and Lucky from the Sydney Street Choir.